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How to find a job for specialists without experience

You cannot find work without experience, say skeptics. But is that so? What to do when there is education (even if it is not finished yet) and the desire to work, but there is no practice? Advice to young professionals gives the portal Superjob.

There are prospects!
In fact, you have a lot of chances for employment: according to a survey by the Superjob Research Center, university graduates with no work experience are ready to hire 70% of Russian companies. Among large companies with more than 1000 employees, this figure is even higher - 82%. So do not listen to the skeptics and get down to the search!

The earlier the better
No wonder they say that more often than not the one who ran faster wins, but the one who ran out earlier. If you are seriously aiming for a successful career, start making it while still a student,if you need a good resume, you can use a resume writing service - Then, after receiving a diploma, you can apply for a higher starting position and salary. After all, at this point you will already have professional experience!

CV must be effective
As you know, a resume is the main tool when looking for a job. But how to compile it if there is nothing to fill in the “Work experience” section with yet? Correctly indicate the name of your university and specialty. At first glance, it might seem that there is nothing more to write about. However, think about it - are you really so inexperienced? Remember everything that can characterize you as a promising specialist. You may have performed well in training practice and your supervisor is ready to confirm this with a letter of recommendation. Or the topic of your thesis is related to the specifics of the vacancy that interests you.

Having published a resume on employment sites, you should not limit yourself to viewing vacancies and responding to them. Call recruiters, take an interest in the fate of your resume, and in case of refusal politely ask to explain the reason - this will help prevent the same mistakes in the future. Having received an invitation to an interview, carefully prepare for it: study the available information about the company, think over the appearance and content of the upcoming conversation with the employer.

Internship is the beginning of a long journey
I can’t immediately find a job in the specialty - start with an internship. An internship allows, as they say, to kill several birds with one stone: to earn extra money, to acquire important practical skills, and, possibly, to get good recommendations for employment. At the same time, getting an internship is much easier than getting a job - use our Superjob for Students service.

Salary will grow with experience
Many recruiters complain that they often face high salary expectations from university graduates, especially top ten universities. “I’m not ready to work for less than 70 thousand rubles, not for that I studied for five years,” such “motivation” will not bring you closer to your desired position. Yesterday's student, demanding a high salary from the threshold, is not taken seriously by recruiters: they are more likely to see in him an inadequate personality with high self-esteem than a promising specialist.

Therefore, be prepared to moderate your financial appetites. At the first stage of your career, your main goal should be professional development, not big earnings.

Secret to the whole world
Looking for work, do not stop at just recruiting sites. Use other methods: contact the company directly, make useful contacts in professional communities (for example, through social networks), call friends and acquaintances. The more people find out that you are looking for a job, the more likely you are to meet with a potential employer.


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